Carotino Biscuit Story
Case Study – Carotino Enriched Biscuits/Muffins
Nutritional deficiencies pose a major problem in developing countries and this so-called ‘hidden hunger’ is highly detrimental to the health of the population, particularly children.
Vitamin A deficiency is a particular problem as it impacts general health, vision, immunity, growth, foetal development and cognitive and mental performance.
Carotino red palm fruit oil is considered to be the world’s richest plant source of natural carotenes (pro-Vitamin A) and natural tocotrienols.
The need for fortified food products to combat Vitamin A deficiencies prompted the South African Medical Research Council (MRC) to scientifically evaluate the use of red palm fruit oil in snack foods.
The Nutritional Intervention Research Unit (NIRU) of the South African MRC joined forces with Carotino to carry out a long term nutritional intervention study to prove the efficacy of Carotino red palm fruit oil baked biscuits. This landmark study has been well documented in the UN Food and Nutrition Bulletin.
Carotino and the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) joined forces in a recent community development project in South Africa to develop a self sustaining bakery model to produce and sell cost-effective carotene-rich muffins to local school children.
The aim was to combat Vitamin A deficiency in children and adults as well as giving the people running individual bakeries valuable life and business skills and generating funds for disadvantaged schools.